By SLOMan90 - 26/01/2011 07:45 - United States

Today, my college professor handed every student a note card and told us to rate his looks from 1 to 5. Is this what I pay $20,000 a year for? FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 340
You deserved it 3 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, please tell me you're studying psychology and this turned out to be part of some experiment :O If not, you should definitely complain to his superiors.

gotta get your self esteem from somewhere right?


Nah he'll probably fail u anyway if u put a 10 because he'll feel like ur lying. I say tell the truth. If he's ugly as hell, put the 1. Then if he fails u, report his ass. That guy above me was right, education in America is as much a joke as what it costs smh.

MerrikBarbarian 9

sounds like you're in an intro psych class. regular experiments are part of class. be glad you werent asked to stand up in front of the class to read outloud a paragraph on stds, while the proff read from a psych text to make a point about how our brains pick up on some words easier then others

lovepinkandzombi 0

this reminds me of an episode of family guy

Well the person who submitted this is named SLOMan and is from California, so probably haha.

kasumii 1

Education is useless. And in college, you pay that money, do a shitload of work, just for a piece of paper that technically says 'this person is smart enough to contribute to society, give him a goddamn job.'

Agreed (to the paper comment) education is important tho.

CaptainPat 0

understandable if it was a psych or soc class. other than that id be pretty pissed off