By Anonymous - 23/07/2011 23:53 - United States

Today, my constant bragging to friends caught up with me, and everyone believes I'm a swinger. Because of this, no girl wants to go out with me, in case they become just another notch under my belt. The truth is, I'm still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 949
You deserved it 99 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, it's obviously your fault because you constantly lied.


How could you be so stupid as to think that saying that could benefit you in any way? Girls don't like guys who have slept with lots of people and guys don't like other guys who brag.

Froley 0

"My constant bragging to friends caught up with me" YDI.

its your fault. you succeeded in making ppl think you're a douche... nice going

YDI. No girl likes a man ***** or a liar.

MsMeiriona 2

Zeus seems to have had no problem with either of those character traits. So obviously the solution here is to become a god.

hateevryone 14

another person ruining their reputation because of bs. smh

Bullshit. Women are attracted to that type of men. The danger is one of them figuring out it's all a lie, in which case you'll be labeled as a loser, which WILL have an impact on your ability to score.

Mipz 2

those women who are attracted to that kind of thing are called "*****," sir.

a_nutritionist 10

meh, its reasonably true. there are girls who go for the 'untamed' guys, and no they dont have to be *****. that a misnomer.

I am not attracted to men like that. I am attracted to men who are sweet, kind, and love to cuddle.

I hope you stay a pig virgin forever. and fyi, losing your virginity doesn't make you cooler at all.