By fuck YOLO - 03/04/2013 05:20 - United States - Ramona

Today, my cousin is visiting from Oklahoma. He can't go a minute without saying "YOLO" or "Swag". He's going to be here for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 343
You deserved it 3 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chrisp87 11

I'm assuming your cousin is a teenager who probably plays Xbox and screams ( Come at me bro )

Does he use hash tags unnecessarily too? #swag#yolo#420#FML #bouttogetburied


Jatiso 1

Could you keep him there at least until he's reformed, if not indefinitely? Oklahoma is irritating enough of a state without that sort of idiocy being returned to us.

Oklahomans are not idiots. There are plenty of smart people here. Also a lot of country stars are from here like Toby Keith and Carrie Underwood

tmmundy 17

76, you just have to overlook people like them ^, they just think they are better than everyone else, but in reality, their lives suck so they must insult everyone else to make themselves feel better. We know all well it never works, because they continue insulting people.

I know. This was like the 3rd or 4th comment I read on here insulting Oklahoma. I'm from Oklahoma and it offended me a bit. I was irritated by these comments and had to say something

kspear2 12
Epikouros 31

Have you tried rebooting him? The firmware might be ****** up.

Just ignore him at put headphones on :)

you are just mad because you have no #swag

bane42 1

Your cousin just sounds like an idiot. I live in Oklahoma and no one says yolo or swag.

THANK YOU. The only time I hear someone say it is when somebody says they did something stupid and my little sister will mess around and be like, "YOLO BRO!" But that's the only time I ever hear it.

mccoole727 13

Shoot him and if anyone asks say "Yolo." I am really against those phrases.

I feel your pain, adults frequently do the same thing, and it's annoying as Hell. Try and look on the bright side; it's only a week, and with a little luck, enough time will pass so that the next time you see him he will have 2 NEW out of date words to throw around, but you'll be older and might be able to limit the amount of time you spend with him.