By madd_dizzle - 25/10/2009 15:39 - United States

Today, my crush finally let me drive his truck for the first time in a empty parking lot, after he told me he liked me. It was so dark that I ended up driving into and pole and totaled his car. Now he hates me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 748
You deserved it 43 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

Did you forget the purpose of headlights? I mean come on now, people drive down dark roads without any streetlights just fine, they don't go running into poles. And if you ran into a pole because you were shocked that he liked you, then that's just pathetic


why the hell would you drive HIS car. you idiot. you totally deserve it.

KillaKanibus 0

Wow...well, that's more his fault than yours. Haha. NEVER let some1else drive your car unless you're too drunk to do it.

Why would you drive a truck in an empty parking lot? If you don't have your licence then it is just stupid of the both of you. If you do then still you should have noticed the pole, but it can happen. He is a jerk if he would hate you for that. A car can be repaired.

letitbe56 0

No, if it's totaled it means the repairs are so expensive that it costs less to get a new car. Hopefully he can still get insurance to cover it; if not, he might be able to sell the old one for parts if enough of them are still intact.

Insurance won't pay him a cent; if she's not a registered driver for the vehicle (or worse, doesn't have a license at all), then any self-inflicted damage doesn't fall under the umbrella of your protection. The insurance /should/ at least cover the repairs to the pole she hit, since it's liability and not personal damages.

Schlampe_34 0

Lesson for today: Don't give Road Head when you're the one driving.

when i read the post i automatically assumed it was because he was teaching her stick... I don't know why else she'd have to beg to drive and and need to drive it in an empty parking lot. well, this happened to me once but not as bad. my new boyfriend got a car and tried to teach me stick the day he got it in a parking lot... well its old and diesel and i guess if you don't put the clutch in when braking it will not stall and it will not stop either so i hit a fire hydrant. but i definitely didn't come close to totaling it. anyways i figure this situation is similar to mine but she still deserves it. just like i deserved it.

i agree with everyone else, HEADLIGHTS!!!! Jeez! You totally deserved that. IT WAS AN EMPTY PARKING LOT! It's not "FML". It's "you're and idiot who doesn't know what headlights are and drove into a pole in an empty parking lot."

duggtodeath 0

Why weren't you in the kitchen?

The real reason he hates you is because your headlights aren't big enough for you to have avoided this. On the bright side, you got to ram a pole, just not the one you were hoping to.

OP is obviously being metiphoric. The guy she likes agreed to have sex with her for the first time in an empty parking lot and she accidently crushed his dick because it was too dark for her to aim her pussy properly as she was mounting him. Drive=****, pole/truck=****, "and" was supposed to be his, and totaled=snapped in half. (also I just accidentally submited this as a fml so ignore that)