By anonymous - 15/01/2012 05:58 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 17/12/2012 00:58 - United States
Good bye!
By Anonymous - 19/01/2020 20:00
By john - 28/01/2009 23:02 - United States
By killmenow - 03/12/2015 05:33 - Canada - Halifax
By Anonymous - 01/03/2010 22:04 - United States
By sydneybourgeois - 13/08/2011 04:06 - United States
By perverted teenage girl - 29/11/2016 21:51
By Mojo - 14/12/2009 17:06 - United Kingdom
My body hates me
By HappilyNeverAfter - 18/09/2014 03:14 - Canada - Port Perry
By longlostkid556 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
Top comments

oh ...shit! i am eating...
Leave him alone, he can comment whatever he likes. He will only get thumbed down anyways.
What does eating have to do with this FML??
Teyyoshi's English isn't fantastic, but lots of people can't speak a second language at all. Sometimes the humour is lost in translation. :) I think he meant he was eating when he read this and laughed out his food or it came out his nose, something of that equivalent. That's what I got from that anyhow....
23- I'm also eating potato chips :D
Chick Above is hot
47- good thing too, with all these grammar Nazis! And guy above, creepy ha
There is no chick above you...
OP, he's probably feeling more embarrassed and awkward than you. It's a natural thing to fart :3 don't worry about it.
Well that stinks!
I see what you did thar...
you farting means you relieved tension, which means you liked it. he should realize that
Why did he grab your ass is my question. He's a crush, not a boyfriend. Or maybe it's just me. I personally would stop liking someone for doing that to me. It's disrespectful.
34 - He may know that she likes him, and it was his way of saying "I like you too".
34 Understandable, but plenty of people are fine with this behaviour between close friends. The OP never mentioned how close they were.
No she grossed her crush out on purpose. Edit now i know what you meant my bad.
That's a very interesting way for him to be greeting you, especially if you're still just calling him your "crush"... O.o
I really hate that meme
If he won't look you in the eye, wear sunglasses! Simple as that~
Only serious FML readers would fully understand this comment!
Very good, i think that was the funniest comment i've read. Congrats mate,
I get it.:) other FML references ftw!
Make sure you don't burp when he goes for a kiss...
IF he ever goes for a kiss.
Aah! That's sucks! Did you ate onions?
Okay, 97. A) Genius*. B) That comment had nothing to do with pronunciation, they just used the wrong tense of the word. C) You forgot an apostrophe. Borrow it from the other comment's "that's". I don't mind when people correct others, it just drives me crazy when they do it wrong.
His a guy he think farts are funny. He will get over it.
How is it sexist if i'm a guy to??
Your ignorance drips off your comment in thick, syrupy drops. That's like saying black people can't be racist.
And for the record, it's too*.
Well, some guys would find that if someone farted on your hand its kinda nasty, just saying
Well aren't you just a little stinker, poor guy was just trying to go in for an innocent ass grab, and you gas him...Love is a battlefield.
22- Heartbreak Warfare... no, no, no..I think it has to be 'Modern Fartfare'
22- fartbreak warfare?
You fart when you get scared? Omfg thats so ******* hilarious hahhahaha
Hells ya!
Oompa oompa..

Well that stinks!
That's a very interesting way for him to be greeting you, especially if you're still just calling him your "crush"... O.o