By perverted teenage girl - 29/11/2016 21:51

Today, my crush was giving a presentation in class. I zoned out and began staring off into space - which happened to be in the exact direction of his crotch. When I realized what I was doing, I quickly looked up at his face. He was already looking at me, with an expression of severe discomfort. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 105
You deserved it 1 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

corky1992 33

Makes me wonder if people have ever thought i was awkwardly staring at them while i completely space out lol.

If that was me, it would be an expression of elation.


I've done the same, OP. Don't feel too bad.

Remember this next time you catch someone staring at your chest.

I would think having a crush on someone makes you more likely to pay attention to them while they're talking, rather than "zoning out". Maybe you need to reevaluate your feelings.

8313girl 28

She was probably thinking about the two of them doing something together, sexually or not, and when she realized where she was looking it was too late. I daydream a lot but I'm usually looking off into inanimate objects. Very unfortunate for OP.

countryb_cth 38

Her liking him has nothing to do with whether or not she was paying attention. Most people zone out when someone is doing a presentation simply because they're bored

Uncomfortable because he knew he couldn't whip it out right there. Try that strategy on a date and you'll get a hole different outcome!

I can't tell if that spelling of hole is intentional or a typo.

Good catch! And I agonized on whether to spell it outcum, but thought it was too obvious.

I can comfortably say this would happen to me. ;/

TMO2142 25

try to talk to him and tell him that you zoned out for a few?

Read my username bb. that's what's gonna happen to you

ThexFroggyGirl 21

At least you know now whether or not he's interested...? Sorry, OP.