By applebearcat - 05/09/2009 05:59 - Malaysia

Today, my dad bought me a new laptop for my birthday. That's because he wants to use my old laptop for work, which is more expensive, has better specs, runs faster, and has a wider screen than my new computer. I just got a downgraded laptop as my birthday present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 495
You deserved it 3 719

applebearcat tells us more.

I got that laptop when i went to college at a different state. I needed it to do coursework :p

Top comments

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

Don't give him your old laptop! Keep both. It's a gift, not an exchange.

Why are people so unnecessarily NASTY about FMLs? So what if the OP got a doesn't make them spoiled. I would be a little annoyed if I got a laptop and a.) Found out it was an exchange, not a gift and b.) it wasn't as good as the one I had previously. There are all ranges of FML on here...just because they're not ALL from impoverished orphans who get dumped at the altar, doesn't make the other OPs any less deserving. RE-LAX!


God. Your dad is a dick. Keep both. I agree with #1.

lifeislife_fml 0

God, people are missing the POINT of the FML. So what if he seems spoiled? Just because he's not starving or dying doesn't mean receiving a downgraded gift isn't a crappy experience. I don't have a laptop like many others who commented, but that doesn't mean I have to say, "YDI, AT LEAST YOU HAVE A LAPTOP!!!!!"

Am I the only one who thinks its ****** that the OPs father bought him something he already has? Regardless of the gift, who buys someone something they already have if it's not broken?

If the good laptop was purchased by the OP, i'd be mad if my dad took it tooand gave me a downgraded one!

catherine42 0

I really have no sympathy for you. For my brother's graduation, he got pretty much the best laptop that was available at the time, 50$, and when he broke it after six months, he got a new computer. I got a 10$ necklace for my graduation. I still don't have a laptop. So at least be glad that you have one. Yes, it sucks that your dad is making you give him yours, but you still have a laptop.


catherine42 0

I'm not saying he doesn't deserve a nice laptop, i'm just saying that there are worse situations. He can talk to his dad and say that he needs his laptop or something.

So he deserves it because you jealous?? His dad bought him a lousy computer and STOLE his from him, his dad is a piece of shit, he should of kept the crappy one. You're just a jealous bitch.

NijiNoKo 14

Saying you can't be sad because someone has it worse is the same as saying you can't be happy because someone has it better...

OMG all of you that said the OP is selfish or if you yelled at him for having something that you don't, you are all selfish lazy batards if you don't have a laptop and you want one enough to cry publicly on a website then go get a fricken job and buy one yourself you lazy ***** I definetly agree this is an fml I myself am saving up to buy a decent laptop

you have a point. I've been saving up for a laptop cause the computer I have sucks. but it got pushed back cause I needed to get a new ps3 system cause the one I had broke and I need something to keep me preoccupied during the day when I'm not busy.

no one says you have to give him the old one. keep both or just the old one, he can't make you trade. say "well I thought you could have the new one, you deserve it more" if he tries to make you

themixedt4pe 0

OP, keep your current computer and tell your dad he can take the crappy one he bought you for a birthday "present." Whether you bought the computer for yourself or your dad gave it to you doesn't matter, as long as it's yours he can't just take it. As someone said earlier, if he absolutely needed a better computer for his work, they would be providing a laptop for him. To all of you complaining that you don't have laptops, you sound like freaking communists. Some people can afford more stuff. I know times are tough, but seriously, just because you can't afford one for yourself doesn't mean that no one else can have one. Stop the whining.

themixedt4pe 0

Just to be clear, that comment was directed at the people saying that this isn't an FML because they can't afford a laptop. It's really too bad if you don't have one, but if you're going to be a whiny bitch about it then that's a different story. And if I'm wrong and the OP's dad does NEED the computer for work, then he go ahead and let his dad use it as he sees fit. If it's someone's livelihood on the line, then yeah, they probably should be able to use the better computer, unless the OP needs it for work, school, etc.

If the other laptop was yours, I'd tell him that he can't have it... Gifts aren't to change for something else, even if it replaces something that you'd never use again. You can choose to give the other but he can't expect it. And generally, you don't need a faster computer for work. Depending on what you do ofc. If it's a lot of calculations, ok... (like, excel lists that take time to load because your computer is calculating all the spaces) If it's textwriting or programming, you should be fine with a bit slower computer. Unless the programming you're doing is for something made for fast computers (as you'll need to test your scripts)

Your dad's job probably paid for the previous laptop, your food, shelter and everything else you need to survive, so it's more important for him to have the better computer. Don't be such a child, he could have just taken the computer and given you nothing in return, but you got a laptop, stop complaining.

themixedt4pe 0

If the laptop was legally the OP's, just taking it would be something called "stealing." Ever think the OP might be using his laptop for his own work or school to prepare himself for a future where he might have a family of his own to provide for? Not knowing the OP's situation this is pure speculation, but there are two sides to every coin.

Actually, past 2MB of memory, better computers don't really matter, especially for office work like word processing. A $500 and $1000 will work about the same (the $1000 one possibly marginally better). A younger person might need a better computer for gaming.

porsche_guy 0

WTF? I bought my own laptop! And even if he bought it for Op then he shouldn't be able to take it back.