By applebearcat - 05/09/2009 05:59 - Malaysia
applebearcat tells us more.
I got that laptop when i went to college at a different state. I needed it to do coursework :p
Top comments
Why would you even accept that laptop, and why give him your laptop just because he bought u a new one?????? WTF?
if he gives u another laptop, it doesnt mean the first one is not urs anymore. their both urs. so if he wants ur old laptop tell him no and tell him to take the new one.
ohh, pooooorr baaabbyy! you got a computer for yur birthday!! yur life if TOTALLY ****** now!!! get over it. some people dont have any computers so just shut the **** up.
tangerine_12 You are an idiot.
51- the FML is that the OPs dad got him a downgraded laptop. he already had 1 that worked better, but his dad decided to get him a crappier one. so stfu and stop complaining! OP-just don't give your dad your laptop, and make him use the piece of crap he got you.
One other thing...who said the previous laptop was a present? Maybe the kid bought it himself. Maybe.
LOL my parents used to do that to me with every "gift" they imparted to me. But, I have to rub it in your face that ironically I am typing this comment on a brand new MacBook Pro with the matte screen sitting poolside at a resort in Orlando FL, neener neeener. jk, ;) i honestly feel your pain. if it's any consolation, you can easily switch out his ram for yours ;) !
Depends on what it is, really. Some laptops just will not accept more RAM, or will malfunction if too much is put in. And if his old laptop is a Mac, and the new one a netbook (as someone commented previously), then he's pretty much ****** for RAM swapping.
Lol. At you least you have a laptop.
I think most of the people commenting on here are more whiny and complaining than the OP. I don't have my own computer either (not even a "family" one) and I still know this isn't right. Don't hate people because they have better things than you do. Buying someone a lower quality replacement for something they are taking from you is not right. And doing it for their birthday, OMG, you are all so screwed up if you believe that's okay. I'm sure no matter what you say it would be different if it was you it happened to. If not you've obviously never used a really bad computer before. I wouldn't give him the laptop. It belongs to you, not him. It doesn't matter if it was a gift originally, once something is given you own it. He can keep the new one.
Don't give him your old laptop! Keep both. It's a gift, not an exchange.
Why are people so unnecessarily NASTY about FMLs? So what if the OP got a doesn't make them spoiled. I would be a little annoyed if I got a laptop and a.) Found out it was an exchange, not a gift and b.) it wasn't as good as the one I had previously. There are all ranges of FML on here...just because they're not ALL from impoverished orphans who get dumped at the altar, doesn't make the other OPs any less deserving. RE-LAX!