By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 16:13 - United States

Today, my Dad called me to tell me that he had finally won the lottery and that I no longer had to worry about trying to find a way to pay for school. I was so excited I started crying. He then told me that he won $5 on a scratch off lotto ticket. He bought a sandwich. Funny dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 459
You deserved it 9 165

Same thing different taste


lifesabit 0

..... this is one of those moments where I wish I was there just watching....

anonymousssss_fml 3

lol that's hilarious. sorry, but what a great fml. :)

anonymousssss_fml 3

lol that's hilarious. sorry, but what a great fml. :)

eschreib 0

hahahahahahahahahah that sucks

haulkeel 0
tkiero 0

heheh yay other people thought of five dollar footlongs immediately..

kscott88 0

That's not awesome. That's not funny. That is a true FML. All these people who say it's sooooo funny? Probably never had to worry about paying for school. Or are too young to get it.

emiflea 0

maybe if you didn't expect your parents to pay for your college, you wouldn't have gotten so disappointed. i don't have a college fund either, i'm going to have to pay using a job and loans... even if my mom did win a lot of money, i would not expect her to pay for it. it's not that bad... wow.

emiflea 0

also my mom makes about 24,000 a year... there are aide programs for me and everyone else who comes from low-income homes. don't judge, and don't always think you have it the worst. i know there is someone out there who has it worse than me, for sure.

notmuch 0

It's called need-based aid. They even give it to people who can't spell sandwich.