By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 16:13 - United States

Today, my Dad called me to tell me that he had finally won the lottery and that I no longer had to worry about trying to find a way to pay for school. I was so excited I started crying. He then told me that he won $5 on a scratch off lotto ticket. He bought a sandwich. Funny dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 459
You deserved it 9 165

Same thing different taste


crazy_cat_lady 0

LOL #12. Mmmmmmm ........sandwich.........

Meowff 0

#14 Because he nearly peed himself out of being exited, only to find out he won only five bucks. Ha ha.

Your dad is made of WIN. (YDI for being a crybaby tho!)

OP, I can call whine-one-one for you and have them send over the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMbulance for you

Have you watched "Malcolm in the Middle" that reminds me of something 'Hal', the dad from the show, would do. :]] Awesome papi.

Hahaha, love it. You're father's really funny. :D

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