By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 16:13 - United States

Today, my Dad called me to tell me that he had finally won the lottery and that I no longer had to worry about trying to find a way to pay for school. I was so excited I started crying. He then told me that he won $5 on a scratch off lotto ticket. He bought a sandwich. Funny dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 459
You deserved it 9 165

Same thing different taste


bubbles09y0 0
IrishPride12 0

Well, you're dad's mean, but I have a recommendation for you. If you're going to have trouble paying for college, go to a service academy, or do ROTC! Seriously, you couldn't make a better decision.

wowfmlife 0

hes cool but you didnt inherit his sense of humor...what a shame

sounds like something my brother would do, if he ever gets kids.

yesmy_love 0

duuuude, are you my fathers bastard child that i never knew about???!!?! because my dad has definitely done shit like this to me before. although your situation does suck because paying for college sucks.... but think of it as more of an ILMLSFMBMDIA (i love my life so f***'n much because my dad is f***'n awesome!) rather than an FML.

Its ilmlsfmbmdifa not ilmlsfmbmdia you forgot the last f

Your dad is not an ass. Just awesome. The End.

**** you, your dad sounds like a boss, i hope he enjoyed his sandwich

Ha ha, too bad you didn't inherit your dad's sense of humor.

smokeyou 0

Which sand? SANDWHICH! More like sandBITCH! Get over it, you probably wouldn't have suceeded in school ANYWAYZ :P