By art_major - 25/05/2011 14:06 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad came to my graduate art show wearing a t-shirt saying "My other daughter is a science major". He'd had it specially made. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 861
You deserved it 7 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get one that says "My other dad is less of an asshole". and wear it everywhere with him.

dudeitsdanny 9

Art is very hit or miss. She COULD be rich and famous.. Or she could end up working in retail or fastfood to make ends meet. Science almost always guarantees you a job.


AdaraB 3

That's how I felt at my art school graduation. My sister's a nurse. It's not a good feeling to know that your parent doesn't approve of your choice enough to support you and then to let everyone else know very plainly how he feels.

If you are doing something you love, forget what he thinks.

randybryant799 20