By art_major - 25/05/2011 14:06 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad came to my graduate art show wearing a t-shirt saying "My other daughter is a science major". He'd had it specially made. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 861
You deserved it 7 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get one that says "My other dad is less of an asshole". and wear it everywhere with him.

dudeitsdanny 9

Art is very hit or miss. She COULD be rich and famous.. Or she could end up working in retail or fastfood to make ends meet. Science almost always guarantees you a job.


tbrizzy 0

so you're a grad student and your sister is only taking her undergrad still? and he's more proud of her? sorry, but your dad is a dick.

Perhaps they were referring to natural sciences instead? Isn't forensic science rather like applied chemistry that doesn't require the same technical background and knowledge as natural sciences do? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

scientists don't make that much money-I know, I am one.

HunterAlpha1 8

you shoulda worn a t-shirt that said "my real dad isn't a dick".

126 gotta keep my chin up and hope that all my efforts will be worth while one day but thank you for the encouragement. I was trying to point out that the "smart" degrees don't necessarily bring a care-free life. you have to do something you love, and you will be good at it. And it all goes uphill from there :) 144 forensic science is a 4 year degree in which you learn various things. You are right, it's mainly revolved around bio chemistry, however analytical techniques usually involve electrical equipment which we learn to operate and troubleshoot. Meh a forensics degree is much more than the fun and excitement that they portray in CSI :)

That0therguy 4

^ yes this is true. But what is also true is that 128 is a blonde