By disneyworld - 14/02/2010 05:49 - United States

Today, my dad told me he's taking the whole family to Disney World, even my step-brother's girlfriend. But not me, because he can't "afford" it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 972
You deserved it 2 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there's sooo much things I wanna say but let's start it off....did the stepmother convince him to do that cuz sumtimes step relatives can be mean

Hiropon 0

Life's a bitch. I guess he's playing favorites. ^o^


Tamara2011 0

jerk, wow hey at least you will have the house to yourself then later you can for everyones trip except for your dad and be like sorry you can't come i'm broke, and if he tries to pay for it be like sorry there are no more tickets for that flight. loseer!

Did you not notice your dad hates you before? 'Cause he obviously does. FYL either way though. Unless you treat him and the rest of the family like shit, and that's the rason they hate you, then it's a YDI.

sportsnut 0

you have to deserved it. you are probably a greedy little bitch who does nothing but stress everyone out

dreambig22 0

Your Mom was smart to leave your idiot Dad! Hope you get your intelligence from her and just write him off for awhile. Sorry this happend, take a mini vaca by yourself you deserve it!!!

Tell him the same thing when he's older that you're gonna take everyone to Disneyland even your long lost 2nd grade friend and tell him that you can't afford it and bring up this very moment.

I'm not seeing the fml in this. So what? And apparently its relevant that you can or can't afford it so i'm guessing you're an adult or that everyone else had to pay also.

THE FML is in the fact that the father is paying for everyone in the family to go on a vacation, and even paying for someone who isn't family, but won't pay or bring his own daughter on the trip. A random girl that may not even be around a week after the trip is more important then his daughter evidently.

albert17 0

to me i think thats just f*ckin dumb but atleast u get some time to urself.

She doesn't own the house, what right does she have to have a party there? I suggest, if your mother is nice, moving in with her.

Maddoctor 10

You're right, she doesn't own the house, but while her entire family and step-bro's girlfriend are having fun, the OP might as well too. She doesn't have to sit there bored out of her mind for a week. She can have fun and seek revenge all at the same time.

I don't agree with what her father did, but throwing a party in someone's house who already doesn't care about your feelings will only hurt the Op more. It would be an excuse to send her away or kick her out. Sure having fun while they are gone is one thing, ruining her father's home is another. As sucky as it sounds, he doesn't HAVE to take her on vacation. HE is an asshole for doing this, but she still doesn't have a right to. Parties always lead to vandalism. Vandalism lead to charges pressed. It would just hurt the Op more.

Maddoctor 10

I've seen parties that didn't wreck the house. All you have to do is hide all the expensive stuff. Do that and cleaning everything else up is usually a lot easier.

That's dishonest. Does Op want to get kicked out? Her dad already doesn't like her, so this will just end up in the shitter. I would send my kid to military school if I found out they had a party. His home, his rules. His money, his vacation. Sucks ass but it is his choice. Why do people always have to throw parties, get drunk and destroy shit to make a point?

FajitaFreak 3

Doesn't apply to lifeforms you're responsible for. For human beings, your kin, your flesh and blood, for human beings you created. When you have a kid, your home is their home. You're their parents so establishing certain basic rules and teaching them right from wrong is quite necessary, but the whole bullshit "my house my rules" crap is getting on my nerves. It was like that when I was growing up, and I'm quite glad to be on my own now. I'd never dream of using that line to enforce a rule in my home, not with my own kids.

Maddoctor 10

#160, I totally agree. And you don't necessarily have to "get drunk and destroy shit" when you have a party. Movies over-exaggerate partying way to much.