By Anonymous - 16/09/2014 16:18 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my dad picked me up from school, something he'll be doing while my broken leg heals. He thought it'd be hilarious to arrive early and ask the staff where his "crippled" son was, loudly saying I'd broken my leg in a "masturbation-related accident". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 372
You deserved it 4 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes I'm glad my dad left. But then I realize my mom finds this stuff equally hilarious.


Your dad sounds awesome. I wish I'd had a dad like that growing up. I didn't have one at all. Be thankful.

I agree your life sucks, but your Dad's right... it IS hilarious! does one break their leg in a ************ related incident?