By garage - 27/01/2010 06:21 - France

Today, my dad thought it'd be funny to put an Edward Cullen cutout behind my car as I backed it out the garage to see my reaction. Oh it was funny alright, except I was so scared that when I saw him through the mirror I reacted by stepping on the gas. We now have half a garage door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 722
You deserved it 8 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realggirl 0

Hehe. (: *He* deserved that one.

I approve of your attempt to murder Ed Cullen. If I saw a glittery gay vampire I'd probably try to mow him down with my car too.


youthink_fml 0

You're an idiot. Didn't see it when getting in the car? You slam the gas when something startles you? You had it in gear heading for the garage door while it's down? No matter how you look at it, you're a moron and shouldn't be driving.

Don't worry. If I saw Edward Cullen I'd probably try to run him over too. The abusive, stalking, manipulative ****.

waterynuggets 0

Don't quit yer day job, you suck at making up FMLs.

If your dad knew you were that obsessed with twilight—and Edward Cullen—he should have thought twice about putting the cutout there. He deserved that. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck that half the garage door is missing, lol.

where does it say that he op was obsessed with twilight and edward cullen?

jamjenni2774 0

This is one of the most stupid FML's I have ever read

wallflower3 0

Is anyone else wondering how OP's dad managed to get ahold of a most likely lifesize Edward Cullen cutout?

How do you "have" to date people? Can you not make choices for yourself?

Sounds like another Twilight anti-fan making up an FML just to voice their ever so original dislike of the movie. It makes no sense how you would hit the garage door if you were backing out of the garage, unless you back out of the garage with the door closed.. I mean this isn't just calling fake for the sake of it. It just doesn't make sense, even if the OP phrased it wrong and really meant she was driving forwards into or out of the garage, or backing into the garage rather than out. The garage door would still have to be open.

That seems like a pretty reasonable reaction. If I saw Edward Cullen in real life, I'd probably freak the **** out, trying to find my gun, knowing garlic, crosses, and wooden stakes wouldn't save me against a sparkly vampire.