By SaggyBoy135 - 12/07/2011 12:19 - United States

Today, my dad thought it would be OK to make sound effects for everything he did, in a public park, with me tagging along behind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 931
You deserved it 3 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at leased he wasnt rubbing one out, i would want to know that sound effect


I hope he didn't **********, shit, or fart. That'd suck.

I'm pretty sure everyone hopes he wasn't masturbating. I mean, he was in a park, with his son.

redmnky21 8

life is more interesting with sound effects! why so serious!

SillySydney 0

if it was my dad I'd be going right along with him.. haha (:

My dad did the same to me when we went to the movies just the other day. I thought it was funny :P

that is AWESOME! you should be proud that your dad has a sense of humor!

Ugh. My friend did that while driving. ALL WEEKEND!

marley91 2

this just reminded me of an episode of family guy lol I think ur dads cool ^_^ I like 2 do that when my sisters around cuz she gets embarrassed super easily

redmnky21 8

do u enjoy that stick up ur ass? does it come with a vibrate option?