By lm - 20/05/2009 20:49 - Ireland

Today, my dad told me about how my mother had a bad dream last night and began to scream "Don't take me, take my children!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 696
You deserved it 3 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Peanu_theGreat 0

It could be something good... Like... she could have... won... the... lottery and... Yeah. Never mind. FYL.

Yknow I don't really think it's that bad. It was just a dream. Maybe your dad was joking. Maybe it was a situation like #8 said. "DON'T TAKE ME (TO DISNEYLAND)! TAKE MY CHILDREN!" right? riiiight? I'm way too positive. Don't think it's an FYL or YDI though.. So what do I choose in these types of situations..?


Im with #12, it could be she was trying to save you... OP, you know whether or not this is a FML... if your Mom is a good Mom then you know the dream wasnt bad

It could have been like the Vietnam airlift or something where it's "Take my children to safety, let me die"

Haha sorry that's kind of funny. But, FYL :( first glance, it seems bad. But it really depends on the context. What if she was in a situation where being the one "taken" was a good, life-saving thing, and the person who was left behind would die? A fire, a terrorist attack, a plane going down or a sinking boat...any of those situations could result in her saying that.

bonafidehustler 0

I don't think it's so bad. It's just a dream. You can't really read too much into what people say in their sleep, it's just gibberish really. I really wish there was a "So what?" option.

Maybe you shouldn't have been such a awful child, maybe then your family would love you instead of make fun of you when you leave the room at family events.

Solution: never go anywhere with your mother again. If she happens to be inside a building and people take hostages, she won't be able to use you as a bargaining chip or meat shield.