By jfields2474 - 16/03/2015 04:37 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my dad turned off our cable. The reason? His favorite character from The Walking Dead died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 753
You deserved it 3 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dontlookman 20

Tell your dad he'll meet his favorite character soon enough if he doesn't turn it back on.

Eliseopwns 22

Denial is a preliminary stage of grief, my friend. Hang tight for the long ride.


aishah77 21
XcuzimsotiredX 25

That is a perfectly reasonable reaction.

Noah? Really? Because I doubt it's 'guy I forgot his name because he's that important'.

condor216 15

Maybe he didn't say the name of the character that died because there are some people that haven't watched it yet.

@Condor There is no reason you couldn't have watched it by now, a show as amazing as The Walking Dead should be watched the day it happens, otherwise expect spoilers and keep quiet about them. It's nobody's fault but your own.

condor216 15

So let's say that they couldn't afford to have a tv or pay the satellite bill. How do you expect them to be able to watch it? There are a lot of people that aren't able to watch it the day it comes out. It's not their fault. Maybe they don't have AMC or a tv.

if they don't have a TV they're probably not fans of the show

I have to wait a day after, because we can't pay for it. Avoiding spoilers is unbelievably hard, especially when you're just scrolling through Facebook, or even FML.

Fuckthisbeabitch 17

Plus if you live in the UK it's not on til the day after

If you just send the water, land, and cable people a letter, they should turn it back on. I know because this same type of thing happened to my cousin when his favorite Wheel of Fortune character died. Thankfully, I was there to help him out and now his phone and cable work again. Thanks T-Mobile! ! !

You're trying too hard. Or not hard enough? Either way, you were more confusing than you were funny.

Don't be too hard on him he's going through a lot right now

theweasel 16

OMG! Noah was his favorite?! Why????!

Could be worse, could be over aiden lol

Some people haven't watched it yet, jerk.

#80 - I saw this FML before I've seen the latest episode, but I was smart enough to not go to the comments section until I've watched it. It's your own fault.