By Jenna - 03/07/2012 23:20 - United Kingdom - Reading

Today, my dad was driving me home and was angrily explaining how my boyfriend was a bad influence and that he was hanging out with the wrong crowd. After finally convincing him to give him another chance, we stopped at a traffic light just in time to see my boyfriend being chased by police. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 743
You deserved it 38 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

egc573 40

Well, your dad certainly can't deny that your boyfriend has impeccable timing.


metaphoristic 8

The combination of your comment and picture somehow work well together in giving me the chills..

It's ok OP, he wasn't really all that convinced anyways.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I've been with my boyfriend since 8th grade (we'll be seniors in August) and my parents are convinced that all he wants is sex, despite the fact that we're both virgins and are planning to wait; if not till marriage, till we're adults. I don't feel like dealing with a little one at 17. But I know he'd stay with me. My parents, however, are convinced he's JUST a horny guy and thinks of nothing else and doesn't truly love me, just wants me in bed. Which isn't true. So I don't think parents are right 100% of the time just because they're parents. :/ Sorry about the rant :P

Parents are blinded by their obligation to be concerned, over-concern, or maybe total indifference to their offspring. Those various levels of blindness often spawn correspondingly absurd expectations, ludicrous suggestions, and/or warped views.

Somewhere with their future as a couple I'm pretty sure. Let's hope.

xMiss_Maggot 7
xMiss_Maggot 7
Mr_Que_Dijo23 5

"bad boys bad boys, what you gonna do, what you gonna do when they come for you"! Haha I can picture this on Cops

Michael_92 20

I think your dad might be right with this.

Michael_92 20

Well it hooked a hard right, then a left, then crashed and went BOOM.