By cheersdaddy - 08/06/2011 14:51 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad was given 2 VIP tickets to see my favourite band in concert next week. You can now find them on eBay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 665
You deserved it 4 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blackmail111 9

no because his dad is selling them


AJG1997 0

why the **** do u like band?

KaliKannibal 5

I agree with #17 u could just buy them before anyone else does

lovepebbles 1

awhh :( thts not too nice ... did you tell him that they're your favorite band?? maybe he didnt know ... but anyways if your dad really didnt know, you can take listings off eBay if he decides to do that

SXRacer9 0

im with #7 here, they are the dads tickets to do with them what he wants...

McBentley 0

So.. what did you do to own that displeasure? you have to have done somethig?

IWantLamingtons 4

WHAT THE ****!? Screw him! The concert experience is more valuable than stupid money

Flutist 3

I went to a concert with a friend. I went home with a broken arm when a mosh pit broke out and people pulled me into it by my hair. My friend went into the bathroom and was molested when a guy followed her in. No one in the bathroom did anything to help her. So no, not all concert experiences are worth more than money. I had to decide between a four week vacation to Japan and a college education. Sometimes the money is needed more than the concert. She will live if she doesn't see her favorite band, her dad might honestly need the tickets more. You are not a parent to make every one of your kids wishes come true, you are a parent to teach kids responsibility and to love them. Her dad might have some money problems and need the money more than she needs to go. She needs to think about others first. If he dad wants to sell them then she needs to respect that choice, talk to him rationally if she must and explain how she feels hurt he isn't giving them to her. IF he says no then that is the end of the story.