By cheersdaddy - 08/06/2011 14:51 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad was given 2 VIP tickets to see my favourite band in concert next week. You can now find them on eBay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 665
You deserved it 4 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blackmail111 9

no because his dad is selling them


sourgirl101 28

Wow, there are a lot of people that don't seem to understand this FML! OP, work out some deal with your dad to get those tickets! (choirs or payment plan) Keep in mind, it can be very expensive to go to a concert. Parking, gas, food and drinks, maybe a concert T-shirt. Worth every cent if it's one of your favorite groups to see.(:

OliSykesFan101 0

black veil brides are in concert on Saturday and i reeeeeally want to go

Well I'm willing to bet you don't even talk to your Dad enough for him to know your favorite band. You probably stay locked in your room and post crap on the Internet about how your Daddy done you wrong. I wave-a my private parts at yew-a!

maybe you should learn how to spell favorite

favorite is spelled like favourite in British English... kind of like gray and grey...

stop trying to be a smart-ass, stupid. OP is from England they spell favorite with a u this is why Americans have bad reputations...because they're ignorant. Really wish i wasn't one of them...

British English? That made me lol.. I know what you mean it just sounds so hilarious, it's like saying Scandinavian Danish!

Do you all not know what the female symbol looks like? OP is a female. She is not a he or him. Male symbol is a blue circle with an arrow pointing to the top right. It's kind of like an erection on a circle.. Come on people...

um tell him to take you and take them off of eBay??? simple as that.

Flutist 3

Not really. It's not as simple as that. Op's dad might say no, or need the money more than that. Or he might have beliefs that think this bad is bad for his daughter to be watching.

trese666 0

what a jerk. money is the root of all evil

well, girls require money, so I think you just called yourself evil..

guckylynn 19

Yeah 159, because men never need to buy anything with money... You make yourself sound ignorant and sexist.

as much as women? probably not. men like to buy things they need. women like to buy things they want. don't call me sexist and ignorant because you can't control your shopping urges.

atomicbaboon 0

girls=time and money time=money girls = money ^2 money=root of all evil money^2=evil girls = evil

CountryGirl111 7

yall would be pissed too if your dad did that too you!

if your female, cute, and not in a committed relationship, then please provide information concerning the concert and I might consider buying the tickets and inviting you to go!