By StormSeason - 29/10/2012 12:03 - Australia - Sydney

Today, my dad watched the news and decided to start preparing for Hurricane Sandy by buying $300 worth of long-life and canned food. We live in Australia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 859
You deserved it 2 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I heard about hurricane Sandy, the first thing I thought of was spongebob.

Darkmagic666 9

Well at least he can now be prepared for the zombie apocalypse?


Wow! That's just really funny. May be gift your dad an atlas for Christmas?

lenamartinovic 13

Don't worry, OP. I had a similar blonde moment. I dreamt that a fire from Australia came to ISRAEL.

Just like the NYS lottery ad says - Hey you never know.

cis1den 0

~ That's actually what your Mother told your Father when she asked,"Is my child a Retard?"

Rosie_Posie43 12

Yea the bright side is that now OP has enough food to survive a zombie apocalypse.

olpally 32

Might as well milk him for his stupidity... Tell him to buy beer and pizza to survive and DVDs as well... Lol :D

trade them with the poster of the microwaved ramen noodles post. its a win win!

Scar: A shining new era is tip toeing nearer Hyenas: And where do we feature? Scar: Just listen to teacher I know it sounds sordid But you'll be rewarded When at last I am given my dues And injustice deliciously squared BE PREPARED!

perdix 29

Don't underestimate Frankenstorm. It could be comin' to get you, suckah! Yes, you can be too prepared. My basement is full of "20" stickers from Y2K that I was going to use to fix all the erroneous 19s. Except for one checkbook, my preparedness was a total waste!

Kaylalovesyouu 8

Well, at least he's prepared for a storm that might go to Australia in the near future :/