By Anonymous - 18/06/2013 23:22 - United States - Glastonbury

Today, my daughter believed that watching the Big Bang Theory would count as studying for her chemistry final. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 829
You deserved it 7 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Believe it or not, I've learned a lot from that show :) but not enough to count it as studying.

Another show she could use towards studying for chemistry is breaking bad.....


the apple never falls far from the tree!

onorexveritas 23

that show is informative... lol

Are you sure it wasnt some kind o joke ?

Kc1001 14

After a few seasons she may learn something.

Big Bang theory looks at physics not chemistry soo...

mangoboy1 19
ginawater19 13

She didnt believe it would count. She just didnt wanna study.