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By Anonymous - 29/01/2015 23:32 - United Kingdom - Oxford

Today, for the nth time, my father reminded me that I should study things related to the "real" world, as if I was studying theology, astrology or something. I'm studying for a master's degree in physics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 528
You deserved it 2 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your father probably didn't do well in science

Can you please calculate the amount of force necessary to knock some sense into people? It's got something to do with mass and velocity, but that's your field, OP, not mine. Physics is a very applicable and needed science in today's world. Your dad needs to stop implying that it's not useful, because it is extremely relevant. Congrats, OP, for sticking with a field that has excellent jobs.


Hail science and come up with the solution that makes quantum theory more understandable for the general population!

Or them really, the majority of quantum physics is still hazy for scientists.

Your father probably didn't do well in science

He also probably thinks things like business, accounting, economics, politics, and communication are important in the "real world". I think it was less of an attack on physics, and more of a reminder that not everyone you meet will be able to talk about detailed scientific discoveries with you. Still glad the OP is following their dreams and ambitions. Physics is a worthy thing to study; we need more people doing it. :)

He doesn't seem like the smartest one.. Good for you, though, good luck.

bluebluhblou 15

good thing you didn't inherent his intelligence.

jkp1291 25

Then do something awesome with your life and show him with your achievements that he can shove it.

your father is very wise, physics is actually a lie made up by george bush to confuse us

The idea of physics was well before even his grandparents were born...

I'm assuming that you're trolling, because George Bush didn't have the brain power to create something so detailed. He doesn't have two brain cells to rub together.

Without physics we have no understanding of how the world works. Well the non living side of it which is dominated by rules and laws.

JuliaaNoelle 26

#6 was obviously being sarcastic

_sucks2suck_ 7

And I suppose that you're one of those people that actually thinks Obama has been doing a good job as president..?

_sucks2suck_ 7

Can you please calculate the amount of force necessary to knock some sense into people? It's got something to do with mass and velocity, but that's your field, OP, not mine. Physics is a very applicable and needed science in today's world. Your dad needs to stop implying that it's not useful, because it is extremely relevant. Congrats, OP, for sticking with a field that has excellent jobs.

Depends where OP lives. I know many physicists who can't find a decent job. Especially with just a master's degree.

I'm looking for a job in the field of anthropology, I just have a Nobel Peace Prize for my inspiring and enlightened comments on FML. I think that guy who contacted martians may be more qualified than me, though, even if it's outside the field of research. You see how silly our culture is that it's "just" a Master's Degree?

Mass, and acceleration, which is the derivative of velocity ((d^2x)/(dt^2))

Ahhh, yes, physics. That mysterious branch of witchcraft....

tantanpanda 26

nah, physics explains the witchcraft. chemistry is the one you're looking for.

Please for the live of god, do not, whatever you do, don't turn into Sheldon Cooper. But good Luck! reach for the stars.

jazzy_123 20

but Sheldon Cooper is adorable even if he is a know-it-all x)