By Cherie - 07/12/2010 18:25 - United States

Today, my daughter told my son that Santa is not real. Of course, being a child, he started to cry. My only problem is, my son is 11 and my daughter is 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 184
You deserved it 6 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments


stewpididiot 11

yeah, somehow I don't think that's your only problem.....

Ur son's going to get his ass kicked in high school. And ur 6 year old is probably,going to black main him with this in a frw

Stop using meth, and start taking English classes. For ****'s sake!

Please allow me to translate: "Your son's going to get his ass kicked in high school. And your 6 year old is probably going to blackmail him with this in a few years. LOLOLOLOLOL I'm an idiot." You're welcome.

Thanks doc, I couldn't understand it :( but now it all makes sense.

riggens7522 0

why wouldn't you tell your son that he wasn't real? that's really old to be believing, I'm surprised no other kid told him first

wDeemish 0

It's okay he'll get over it, and your daughter is really cute :3

The real question is why didn't you tell your son sooner? Your daughter showed better parenting skills there.

Wait until your son finds out about the Easter Bunny!

Sheilatakeabow 0

My mum let me figure out santa wasn't real by myself, sure I figured out way before I was 11 but it ruins the fun if you tell a young child he's not real. (In response to the "why didn't you tell him" comments.) I'd have thought he'd have figured it out by now though..

morgy8599 0

damn. lol i found out when i was 9!

TheExule 0

next tell them god isn't real too.