By ledentist - 12/09/2012 02:24 - United States - Center Barnstead

Today, my dentist dropped my bite plate for x-rays on the ground, picked it up, looked at it intently, took a couple of hairs off, and shoved it back into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 476
You deserved it 2 293

Same thing different taste


Oh hell no ! Why would you even let him do that?

mrsmaglietta 6

uh that's disgusting I would have spit it out and called the health department

eww and you let him put that thing back in your mouth YDI

Were your hands restrained? If not why didnt you stop him. This is completely your fault for being a wuss and not telling him to replace it

What kind of dentist office is that, where you find hair and shit on the floor. =.= I call that one fake!

cryssycakesx3 22

if you spit it out, it was still in your mouth...

You allowed him to put it your mouth? Or did he happen to put it in while you were going to object about it?