By ledentist - 12/09/2012 02:24 - United States - Center Barnstead

Today, my dentist dropped my bite plate for x-rays on the ground, picked it up, looked at it intently, took a couple of hairs off, and shoved it back into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 476
You deserved it 2 293

Same thing different taste


IneffableLullaby 13

My question is, if you saw him do it, why'd you allow him to place it back into your mouth without washing it off first? This isn't a YDI, but I believe you could've done more in the situation. Just saiyan.

As long as he followed the 5 seconds rule ;)

onorexveritas 23

Why would you let her ? Aha that sucks tho

Gross!! You should've waited for him to get real close then coughed in his face lol

krs7g4 8

Ok, so I see how this is unprofessional and pretty gross, but... What is everyone's deal about hair? It's beautiful on a person's head, fine on a person's arms, not so desirable on a man's chest, and now any type of pubic hair is appalling. What the hell? In the last few years women are just hairless and men are swiftly catching up. I just don't get it! I like to see a healthy bit of hair around a mans genitalia. A little chest hair never hurt anyone! And maybe trimming/cleaning up the bush, but no Brazilian. Razor burn on your vag really sucks. It makes sex really uncomfortable. And it itches like hell 2 days into the inevitable grow-back! Seriously, who wants to **** someone that looks like an 8 year old naked? That's what is gross.

leahmae88 7