By painfulintercourse - 22/11/2010 19:36 - Canada

Today, my doctor told me to buy some KY Jelly and a dildo to help "loosen me up" so sex isn't so painful. I haven't been able to have sex for 6 months because it hurts so badly, and now my doctor has basically told me to go fuck myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 625
You deserved it 8 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheB0a 5

You should get a second opinion might be something else other than you being not loose.

perdix 29

If I were your doctor, I'd tell you just to stick to oral and anal. Let me know if your national health care system up there covers physician-prescribed ******.


well ask him for some pain meds and then let your man (or me) have a go at it, if there isn't some kind of underlying condition i'm pretty sure that problem will be solved after a couple of (for him probably very fun) nights

Pain meds also decrease sex drive and numb pleasurable sensitivity. Alt/comp therapies like CBT are a better choice, *if* the problem isn't purely physical. But hey, if OP's partner is into the whole zombie/necrophilia scene, maybe your advice will help, too.

RedPillSucks 31

Ya gotta watch the zombie porno movies... "Dawn of the dead", "The crack of Dawn", and my personal favorite "From butts till Dawn".

Pain during piv sex can very often be caused by a condition called vaginismus, which a lot of doctors can be very uneducated about, and do often make suggestions like this. It's caused by a reflexive tightening of the vaginal muscles during penetration - this can be due to a physical or psychological cause. I'd look it up if I were you, there are a lot of sites out there with much more helpful and constructive advice. That said - for SOME people, lube and a ***** are actually the way to go, or you can also get dilators that start very narrow and increase in size for you to help 'train' your body, but it's entirely up to you. Good luck :)

I'd definitely get a second opinion, preferrably from a gyno with lots of experience in treating female sexual dysfunction. Like other types of physical therapy, though, you may just need to bite the bullet and work through the pain to resolve the ultimate issue. FYL.

Gah, my apologies. That ^ wasn't meant as a reply, although I do agree with #24.

AshesNicole623 17

As a survivor of childhood abuse, I can say this is a real thing. Not all doctors are even willing to educate themselves on things like this because it's "all in your head." It's sad, but true. Op might want to see some sort of therapist if a second opinion didn't give better answers.

Noyes654 0

Legitimate treatment for contracted pelvic floor muscles so stop whining and just do it, start small and work up.

Dadsgotmominhisd 0

start small and stay smallish. please don't over do it. we only marry the tightish ones. just ask around and you'll see.

i was saw on a tv show that some one with the same problem its a really rare disorder and u need to consult a doctor how knows what there doing and it is caused by over active nerve endings

die in a hole. your comment makes no sense.

English is such a fun language to learn :D

hawtstuff92 0

one word for you: **********. it great fun. doing it now. anyone wanna message me? ;) or comment to this if you're HAWT for mee

JokeMeister 0