By rimjob - 20/02/2010 10:36 - United States

Today, my dog barked for 30 minutes with me yelling for him to shut up. Guess that's how long it takes someone to steal the rims from my truck. Good dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 850
You deserved it 43 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Astraea 0

Haha totally ydi!! Try to respect him next time :P


xlovelessx 0

huh that's funny how he was barking for 30! mins trying to warn you there's an unfamiliar smell around. YTDI and yes he is a good dog. listen to him next time he barks -,-

Ok i kinda sympathis with the OP, my dog sits at the window and barks at ANYTHING outside that moves, and after a few months you just kinda learn to tell her to shutup and she does what she's told. it gets extremely irratating otherwise!! Your not gonna look out the window anytime your dog barks

The dog is in cahoots with the thieves, that's why it was trying to distract you for thirty minutes. YDI, I bet you were cruel to the poor doggy.

#59 You nailed it. Damn dog probably screwed over his owner for a bowl of Kibbles and Bits. Next time this one starts barking, rimjob better hope his/her truck isn't on blocks.

Pfft, I always knew dogs were smarter than humans. -.-

YDI for not getting your lazy ass up to see WHY the dog was barking. dogs don't usually bark for no reason.. sometimes they do.. but not for a half an hour. dumbass.

saranottelling 7

You're dog barked for 30 minutes straight??? Don't you think you should have looked at what he was barking at? Some dogs bark for no reason sometimes, but not for 30 minutes.

If I had to listen to your yelling and the dog barking for 30 minutes I would want to **** up your truck also.

As a huge advocate for proper dog training, yelling does not solve anything. All it does is influence more bad behavior. After a few barks you should be by his side to correct him and also check WTF he's barking at because it could be someone doing bad. ie: stealing your rims.

you're an idiot who has no idea how to handle dogs, or has some anger management issues

holy **** dude. after like 10 minutes u have to wonder if somethings wrong!