By Anonymous - 02/05/2013 12:50 - Canada - Airdrie

Today, my dog had her stomach pumped because she ate some cookies. The 100 cookies I made for a bake sale to be exact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 511
You deserved it 6 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nightwing98 22

100 cookies? Did you mean bear instead of dog?


More like **** your dogs life... I mean I know it's not exactly quick to bake 100 cookies, but if there was any chocolate in them (and since they pumped her stomach, I'm assuming so), she ate something toxic and that could have killed her. Have you ever had food poisoning? Well when a dog eats something that isn't safe for them to eat that's essentially how they feel, sometimes even worse. I would be much more concerned with your dogs health than losing the cookies. Next time make sure they are in a spot she can't reach. But call up some friends to help you remake them. Team work and multiple ovens should help.

No Dogs will get the food if they want it that's why I go with small breeds as they can't reach the table if you move the chairs away while cooking

that's why you don't leave out food where dogs can reach it...

Maybe you should start paying attention to your dog?

Uh... "some" doesn't exactly cut out to 100 cookies

Well I suppose it's your fault since you obviously didn't train it well enough