By sorry :/ - 08/02/2015 18:28 - United States - Monroe Township

Today, my drunk mom told me to apologize for being born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 078
You deserved it 3 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her to apologize for being a useless ungrateful mother.

"Yeah, I am sorry. Sorry that I had to be born to a selfish mother."


Le_ponderer 14

Tell her to ask your dad to apologise for not pulling out! She owes you the apology for not using birth control; if she really didn't want a baby. YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE OP. We all serve a purpose. Bless you.

"I'm sorry that grandma didn't swallow you" Too much?

Great comeback!! How could me those never change me to me when I need them?

SoullessSolace 12

Now that's some funny shit right there!

#30 I think they meant "how come those never come to me when I need them?". I'm not entirely certain however.

dragoongirl90 34

Wow your mom is evil! Maybe she should apologize for being a bitch.

she not evil dumb ass. shes drunk. learn the ******* difference.

dragoongirl90 34

Exactly, 51. Often times drunkenness brings out someone's true colors.

I know how that feels OP. I've also gotten that along with a drunken lecture about how I'm a terrible children, and that is why I think she is a terrible mom.

Yeah because it's totally you're fault

This is why I don't hang out with my mother unless I, too, have been drinking.

Sorry mom for being a bitch.

I wonder if you could say whatever you want if you were drunk as well...

That seems more like her fault than yours.

xluciferx666 21

Hide all her booze then make her apologize for being a lousy drunk