By Peeves - 15/09/2014 22:05 - United States

Today, my eight-year-old brother told his classmates that I have cancer. Nope, just really bad acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 742
You deserved it 2 655

Peeves_fml tells us more.

OP here! My brother legitimately believed that having acne is the same thing as having cancer, but after a good talk with him about the difference between a normal teenage phenomenon and a life-threatening disease, I think he's straightened out his vocabulary terms. Oh, the bliss of being baby-faced and blemish-free! I told him he was lucky that he wouldn't have to worry about any skin problems for several years.

Top comments

Acne must suck but on the bright side at least you don't have cancer!!

You should tease your brother and tell him he's going to grow pimples just like you.


I have it and I'm 27 never had it in high school tho Sry but I'd rather have it as a kid

jhellie23 13

my sister calls me ugly because I hav acne and she doesn't :(

just respond with asking (sincerely) 'do you enjoy being an awful person?' next time, I find that works pretty well.

Rubbing alcohol helps too! I'm 18 years old and I still have breakouts! Best of luck to you!

Hopefully unlike mine is won't bleed and be around your mouth and look like you have herpes