By she sure has an arm. - 28/02/2013 11:57 - United States - Clinton

Today, my elderly neighbor had asked me to take her to her early morning doctor's appointment. I arrived at her house at 7:30 as agreed, and she appeared to have forgotten who I was. She started lobbing eggs out of her window at me, telling me she wasn't interested in what I was selling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 691
You deserved it 2 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is eggxactly why I can't wait to be old, and get away with trolling the young.

Now you see why she needed that appointment.


Or take out the comma and space, add a frying pan and make breakfast!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When old ladies give you eggs, pay it forward and find a new target.

countryrose92 23

I had so much faith in you in that other threa of comments... Now I am just disappointed. :(

You should have said Girl Scout cookies, specifically Samoas. She would have implored you to come hither at once.

Don't be mad at the lady, be mad at those people that always come to our doors trying to sell stuff!! annoying bastards.

Bliss391 7

Kids throw eggs at houses, and old people throw eggs out of houses! It's all part of the circle of life!

Guess I'd better get to chuckin' if I want to stay part of The Circle. Now, where's that paperboy? I owe that little bastard.

I would tell her, omelet this go, this time.

ViviMage 38

You realize she will call you later angry you didn't take her and she has a no show/late fee with that doctor.

you might have wanted to call an ambulance. a sudden change in mental status like that can be indicative of a serious medical problem.

You start throwing it at a person who's trying to help you? (Ó.ò)

You make egg-o-nade, a nutritious drink that's great for losing fat and gaining muscle, although hard to drink sometimes? I mean, just think, that is a chicken fetus you're eating all blended up. A little like fried afterbirth if you look at it in such a light, a delicacy in some countries, but I wouldn't imbibe personally.

63- Nope, I wouldn't want to picture it but the visual image you've described is so vivid that I can't unsee it in my mind now! Thanks. (¬_¬)