By shroooms - 28/07/2011 20:37 - Slovenia

Today, my entire family, myself included, has been turned into a collective diarrhea fountain after going out to eat. We only have one bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 730
You deserved it 3 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheBrickWithouse 10

i have one word for you: buckets. Seriously though, FYL.

The visual image of a "diarrhea fountain" is quite vomit-inducing...


iTransform 8

LMFAO @ "diarrhea fountain"

When you visit Mexico, don't drink the water :(

mdizzl 6

well, I guess it's time to visit your neigbor's house

Koniszewski 1

all of you do your business in the tub and then bathe in it, turn it into a situation similiar to two girls one cup ;)

Yikes. Report the restaurant to the health department!

treboy1992 4

sounds like a shitty situation

monkey666 4

you know what they say shit happens

r u actually being serious cuz if u r u have some ****** issues seriously

LSU33DucKAholiC 0

Ha, thank God for trees right?!