By Anonymous - 16/06/2013 16:14 - South Africa - Johannesburg

Today, my estranged father, with whom I haven't spoken in years, called me and demanded to know where his Father's Day gift was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 577
You deserved it 3 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Say it's in the same place as all your lost birthday and holiday presents from him

Tell him its up his ass if he wants to be so rude.


Well darn I posted this FML worded differently and will not get credit for it. Dreams shattered. ....I realize I need a better dream.

Tell him it's Father's Day, NOT Sperm Donors Day.

Thors_Hammer9999 17

tell him to go Bork himself and hang up the phone...that's what I did with my estranged father when he pulled that $#!^

I hope you gave him a big, beautiful hanging up of the phone.

RKD 23

I can see where you would be angry, but maybe he was being sincere and doesn't know how to approach the situation, at that point, you would have to decide if you want to have a relationship with him,,,I would say do it, if you can forgive him, of course, I don't know anything about the situation!

Is he estranged because he was arresting all your friends at your birthday party a while ago?

bloodangel1973 8

Father: where's my gift? You: it's close Father: how close? You: in your ass Hang up

Send him a picture of ur middle finger up. Make sure it's framed.

Tell him he'll get it as soon as he man up and takes his responsibilities as a father seriously, until then he doesn't deserve one.

groza528 17

He demanded a gift? Estranged or no, this is just plain rude.