By IHateDumbExs - 21/01/2011 17:15 - United States

Today, my ex boyfriend apologized for being a jerk to me and threatening our relationship. When he was done, he asked if his apology earned him enough points for a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 347
You deserved it 5 636

IHateDumbExs tells us more.

IHateDumbExs 0

Haha he didn't come to see me, he came to where I was volunteering to pick up his little sister. He just saw me in passing and asked. And no, his apology was definitely not worth a *******.

Top comments

This comment earns me enough points for a *******. I expect you at my house in an hour. Don't be late.


mbeezy914 0

wowwww what a fag. been there done that :p

GuidoCheese 0

You must be hanging out with the wrong people, or probably you're in high school. That's when guys start to notice girls and don't know how to react, so immaturity rules over then maturity.

That makes so much sense. It was really starting to bug me how all of these men that spent all their time (when they weren't asking their partner to make them a sandwich or give them a *******) farting into their girlfriend's faces after sex, actually managed to ******* dress themselves, let alone enter into and keep a long-term relationship.

Atleast hd apologized before head, most guys don't even do that. give him some credit.

FAdEDz 0

soo did he get the points? ;x

I hope you said f*** no and kicked him in the nuts instead. Also, I hope you're not pining over him and wanting him back because he's a total loser.