By Dumped and pregnant - 01/05/2018 05:00

Today, my ex dumped me for his ex who'd cheated on him. Today, I also found out I'm pregnant. When I told him he said, "I’m really happy for you. I hope it all works out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 731
You deserved it 544

Same thing different taste

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Take him for as much child support as you can. He is just as responsible for this child as you are. Just because he doesn't have to physically carry this child in his womb for nine months does not mean that he should just let you bear all of the physical, emotional and financial weight of raising a baby. I would definitely be the bigger person here and have a discussion with him about what a loss it would be for him and to his unborn child if he did not foster a relationship with the child even if he does not want a relationship with you. Even if he still does not want a part in his child's life, remember he is not off the hook financially and you owe it to your child to have his father supporting him monetarily if not in any other way. Beat of luck to you, OP!

Then he’ll be “really happy” to write you a fat child support check every month for the next 18 years.


I’m not sure if OP became pregnant “by accident” by not practicing effective birth control out of ignorance or stupidity or if the pregnancy was planned. Either way this is just another case where you do not go making babies until you know the relationship is rock stable and both want a baby. The biggest loser is OP’s yet to be born child. The child had no choice in this and faces a difficult future with no father. OP needs to make sure there will be child support from the father - but NOT FOR REVENGE, ITS FOR THE WELFARE OF THE BABY.

Say it with me, people: BIRTH CONTROL.