By NextTimeMom'sDriving - 11/06/2014 16:41 - Canada - Kelowna

Today, my family and I were on a road trip. Everything was fine until we discovered that my dad, the driver, was not only fast asleep, he was also snoring. We were in the middle of the highway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 659
You deserved it 4 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments did A) no one notice sooner B) you guys not crash C) you get yourselves out of this predicament Come on, we need more information here! On another note, hope everyone is okay :)


AnalSpelunking 19

Sometomes snoring is a good thing!

Really? I can't think of a single instance. Maybe I'm just an idiot, so help me out here.

It was probably his snoring that alerted the rest of the family as to what was happening.

thats terrible! I hope you are all okay!

pwnman 33

Seems like a CARing situation! No? Okay...

people here on FML don't like bad puns, gotta be CAReful of what you say

pwnman 33

I really have to CARingly agree with what you said!

the idea is kinda good... but the sentence needs to make sense.

martin998877 12

With lane assist, dynamic cruise control and auto brakes I often enjoy a nap while driving my BMW. It's rude to snore tho!

jad0016 12

and did you wake him up or is he still asleep? Not really telling us much on what happened after u realized that.

NotGabe 28

My dad does this more frequently than he should. There was a time where he was laughing outta nowhere. We asked him about it and he goes, "Oh... Sorry, I was dreaming." ._.

There's a name for that, it's called an "Oh shit!" Moment.

foreverhappy98 10

Wow! I hope you guys are okay! Hopefully there wasn't a crash!

How do people even press YDI on this FML? When there is an FML like my mom called me fat or something, there are idiots who say YDI for being fat. Really people be realistic, please.

Well in all honesty, if you don't want to be called fat, don't be fat.

It is the whole family's responsibility to rotate drivers (out of those who are licensed) on a long road trip.