By Anonymous - 20/12/2010 09:27 - Sweden

Today, my family is going to the USA for Christmas after being lucky and getting their tickets re-booked. My ticket was canceled due to the snow, and will not be re-booked. Merry Christmas to me, myself and a bottle of wine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 133
You deserved it 2 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, as an American, take it from me - you aren't missing much...

lovestrong 0

Ahh, ain't that a downer. Oh well, make the best of it? :)


um. trade the bottle of wine in for vodka :)

#55...your a dirty ****, if you dont like the USA , you can get the **** out. You can go back to whatever dictator run, terrorist filled, poverty sticken shithole you came from. **** YOU...SUCK THE USA's ****!!! GO USA!!!!

#55 **** you the usa is the greatest country in the world. If you dont like it you can get the **** out. just ****** leave. go back to whatever dictator ruled, terrorist filled, poverty stircken shithole of a country you came from. **** you, suck the usa's dick! GO USA!!!

Veritas143 0

I almost said something... but I will keep faith in humanity and assume this is just a troll..

that sucks. I've been there 12 times. the USA is amazing. go this summer or something.

Today, my family is going to the USA for Christmas after being lucky and getting their tickets re-booked. My ticket was canceled due to the snow, and will not be re-booked. Merry Christmas to me, myself and a bottle of whine. FML re edited look at the last word

oh that REALLY stinks.!! I've been to the USA, before. such an amazing country.