By Anonymous - 19/10/2011 18:19 - United States

Today, my fiancé has been jumping out of closets and from around corners with a video camera, trying to catch me naked. He says he wants to post a video online so his old high school friends can "rate" me. I'm now afraid to get intimate, shower, or even change my clothes in my own home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 232
You deserved it 5 184

Same thing different taste


loveanthony645 5

Dump the bastard! No one should taked naked pics of their partner without asking, ESPECIALLY to other people. I sure a hell don't want other men to rate my naked body!

puppytaco64 8

Well your pic has a kid with no pants, so that makes your comment a fail

ShroomsOnAcid 16

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I give you a 10. No, wait, that's Ikickginger's butt that I'm looking at. My bad.

loveanthony645 5
huppypuppy 3

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that's a pretty high dose of douche baggery right there

puppytaco64 8

You seemed to have misspelled epic

You should definitely record him doing something so that if he does do this you could always have some sort of revenge. Just make sure he doesn't know about it though. And you should also have a good think about whether you really want to marry him.

I like that. make him give you a strip tease or wear your underwear and send that to his high school friends

Thizzkidsgotgame 7

Drug him and go from there. Get creative!

Thizzkidsgotgame 7

Drug him and go from there. Get creative!

This is where you give him back the ring and move out. If he respects you he will not demean you by doing something like that after you have told him no. Don't commit your life to someone who doesn't respect you now. FYL for the situation. YDI if you remain in said situation.

muhilrashid 4

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It can be on the Internet forever she didn't approve that makes it 2 times as bad

creedaddict 9