By Ringless - 25/02/2010 21:47 - United States

Today, my fiancée and I were selecting our wedding cake. The wedding is now off since I refused to buy her the "dream" wedding cake she wanted because it was chocolate. She called me childish and cheap. I'm highly allergic to chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 310
You deserved it 3 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You dodged a bullet man, your better off.

SeximusPrime 0

Good riddance to the bitch. She wasn't going to compromise on anything and it would have been a shitty waste of a marriage.

GhoStedar 0

Did you actually TELL her that you are allerigic?

gmula22 0

Get a clue and buy the damn cake!

Dude, if she is that much of a bitch you are better off not marrying her.

Coccinelle_fml 15

FYL for being allergic to the best food on earth.

He didn't day he's allergic to macaroni and cheese

YDI for thinking your life sucks. Sounds like a bitch to me, better you found out now...