By fatty - 23/09/2009 06:47 - United States
Same thing different taste
In sickness but mainly in health
By Tiff - 27/11/2023 16:00
Food fight
By hss - 30/05/2011 01:59 - United States
By DepressionBetty - 11/10/2021 08:00
You must conform!
By Anonymous - 29/06/2023 15:00
By ziggers10 - 07/04/2013 03:19 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/02/2016 15:57 - United Kingdom
By anonymous - 14/12/2011 05:42 - United States
Run away
By Workb - 26/11/2022 02:00
By Anonymous - 15/02/2022 16:00
By I choose health - 11/04/2022 18:00
Top comments
You'd be bad for business. How is he going to get grossly overpaid for whipping fat women into shape when you are going around town exposing that obscene muffin top? They are going to have to pay him extra for the therapeutic ****, but why would they when the woman who gets them for free looks like a sow-pig? Why are you sabotaging his career?
**** it. love is love. i dont want to be with anyone who wont love me for me, and i dont want to be with anyone who would want me to change because there will ALWAYS be someone skinnier, prettier, smarter, blonde tall and gorgeous. im 5'8 and 140lbs, and even my boyfriends admitted that im chubby. but the thing is, he doesnt care. because he loves me for ME. op, chuck him. and to those asses saying the reason why im not kicking her to the kerb or whatever, what makes you think she adores you? youre an ass. and about the whole junk food thing... im a vegitarian, we have NO junk or fast food in the house and whenever we out we go to proper resturants and never fast food places. i literally dont ever eat "unhealthily". and my calorie intake is always well under 2000 calories per day. so **** you :)
So you are fat for no reason? yeah that tends to happen. Husband is right and its the OP s fault because when you marry someone who invests in themselves a lot like fitness trainers how do you expect them to love you for your personality and not say anything when you get fat? Their life is all about shape and looks bla bla,anyone who doesnt fit in that picture is unwanted or bad for image or whaterver. Its same with girls who invest too much in their looks,i dont expect if i am in a relationship with someone like that that she ll love me for my personality,but for my looks because thats how that kind of people look at the world and the people around them. And #50 people dont get fat for No reason,either you are lazy or eat a lot,that fat gota come from somewhere,if your metabolism is slow then work out more.
again - i eat little. and my bmi is still in the healthy catagory. some people are just fat. im not morbidly obese and im only sixteen but im pudgy. not full blown twenty stone thunderthighs. again; some people are just born fat. i normally have juice or a smoothie and fruit for breakfast, soup for lunch and then a low calorie low fat and completely non arteficial dinner. i only eat dairy if i have cheese with a baked potato, i cant stand milk or butter. and i dont like cheese much anyway. so yaaaaaaaaaa. people can just get fat for no reason. i go to the gym about four times a week and do a mixture of cardio, swimming and yoga.
- my bmi is 21.3. my weight is healthy, i just look and am chubby. and girls arent shallow - they care more about personality, being looked after and cared for as opposed to a "tight ass" and huge boobs.
Again- fat has to come from somewhere,cute chubby excuses,lots of numbers and shit. Here is how it goes: FAT=all the crap you eat that you don't use during the day. Energy gets stored in fat cells=chubby If you do half the things you say you'd be ripped. And you are not. So you don't. And girls tend to be very superficial,it is not only reserved for men.
Its been proven - when men look for a 'mate', they focus far more on the physicals. and again, im not hugely fat. my bmi is 21.3. im sixteen. i dont have a huge deal of muscle but the healthy range is 19 - 25. and im female and - shock horror horror - still going through puberty. i dont eat any crap. i limit my calorific intake to under the daily allowance EVERY day and i exercise a lot. so again - suck dick.
Again (this is so annoying )- Cambridge research fact-...when women seek partner they focus on genetic signs of healthy offspring,reverse triangle in figure,good hunter=provider etc... Men function the same way (offspring bla bla),we are just more straight forward about it. Some men express this instinct a bit more and they are known as the chubby chasers (somebody you know?) because for some,body reacts more extensively to visual stimulants in a form of female curves bla bla...(fact confirmed numerously in social articles and real life)... AgAiN - food comes in+no activity=get fat. There is no other way. Depending on metabolism and genetic predispositions,you can get fat faster or slower but you cant get fat for no reason,puberty or no puberty. So quit imagining that you work out and that someone can love you only for your personality,quit bitching and if you were not a minor i d tell you what to suck. no more time for rplys,us grownups have to work. (this was low,i know)
I agree with your husband. I told my husband when we got married that I'd leave him if he ever became overweight and that I expect him to do the very same if I became overweight. No one deserves to be stuck with someone who doesn't take care of themselves. Period.
well it seems like a breech of contract in a relationship for one of the parties stops caring about their physical appearance. at least he was honest and up front about it.
Well, even though he's an ass, you made the choice to marry the superficial fink. You know what that means... Besides that, don't forget that in such a divorce, you're actually the one with the upper hand. Since you could get a load of alimony, it seems more like an empty threat. If he's for real, then he's also a knucklehead.
he is a personal trainer. therefore beign fit is important to him. if you are overweight its not going to sell sessions bc people will say obviously your own wife doesnt get fit being with you. i am a mortgage collector. if my husband started not paying bills or taking care of his credit, which is what i see everyday and highly value mine, i would want to leave too.
Yes, what he said hurt. It wasn't tactful, but it's honest. I'm gonna have to say YDI because you shouldn't just let yourself go because you're in a secure relationship. It's not fair to your partner. :/
Awwwww. I struggle with weight issues too, so I feel for you, but that is not cool of your husband. Tons of people are gonna be on here telling you to " divorce his ass" but don't.
Jokes aside, my advice would be this: Talk to your doctor. See if you are at an acceptable weight, or whether your health is/is going to suffer for your weight. If you are healthy, divorce. Your husband is just a shallow asshole. If you are not or are borderline, try to lose the weight. He has your health in mind when he says those things.