By Flicker - 14/05/2009 07:23 - Australia

Today, my football club gave us all jerseys with our last names on them. My last name is 'Flicker'. The letters are all in uppercase. And the 'L' and the 'I' are joined together at the bottom. My jersey reads 'FUCKER'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 50

Top comments

Heh, I'd be proud of it - seeing as you can now wear a shirt saying "******" on it without getting in trouble!

hahaha, what's awesome! when you get mad at your opponent, just turn your back to them!


Haha that sucks! I bet they stuck them together on purpose XD

Flicker does not sound too unusual. I know a Lance L Ott (saw drivers license) and, I swear to god, Luke Skywalker.

coffeennicotine 0

I'd love it. Like #2 said, you can wear a shirt that says "******" without getting in trouble. Lighten up.

paks7 0

hey 49 who said anything about soccer?? we dont know where he's from, it could be soccer or it could be american football.

mehwhocares 9

It clearly says he's from Australia, so yes we do know it's soccer.

when people call you f*cker, tell em thats what their mom calls you


That's AWESOME. How much do you want for it?

meddude 0

that's a case of ******* amazing and awesome epicness.