By Flicker - 14/05/2009 07:23 - Australia
Top comments
Thats's awesome! why would you put this up on FML
I find that many people on this site confuse "incredibly awesome and superhero" with "bad". "I have the coolest jersey in the history of sports. I'm going to go cry now."
That's awesome, I would kill for that.
thats not so bad, kinda funny, a good keepsake too1 ( it would sux more if u were a girl), but that a good way!!
i dont know man, doesnt sound too bad. thats a cool ass jersey.
dude what are you talking about that's awesome!
Heh, I'd be proud of it - seeing as you can now wear a shirt saying "******" on it without getting in trouble!
hahaha, what's awesome! when you get mad at your opponent, just turn your back to them!