By ashleyevans - 04/04/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, my friend and I went to a really expensive restaurant. We got really bad service, so halfway through the meal we decided to dine-and-dash. Turns out I left my purse in the restaurant. With my I.D. and everything inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 001
You deserved it 192 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tehrevenant 0

Why would you EVER think that was okay? "Oh, the service sucks, I'll just steal the food." YDI.

This_Guy 0

I hate people like you. You deserve everything thats going to happen to you.


YDI. It's stealing to dine and dash. Grow up, you should've asked to talk to the manager if you had unsatisfactory dining experience. Bad karma comes to people like you.

Never dine and dash- ever! You thievs are the reason we can't pay after for gas. You're lucky they didn't press charges. I would never allow you back in if you did that in my restaurant.

FmlBuddy 0
Bullshet 0

Then don't leave a tip. Don't steal, dipshit.

indianabummer 0

I agree with 166. Instead of not leaving a tip, or if it was that bad just writing on a slip a paper how horrible the service was, OR complaining to a manager... you logically jumped to stealing? You definitely deserve w/e consequences you get from leaving your purse behind. Not just for stealing either, but being an idiot and not doing a good job of it too. Oh, and by state laws (at least in Indiana) minimum wage for servers is 2.13$. If you don't make enough in tips to meet minimum wage (now 7.20) your job is supposed to pay you the difference (most don't). Bad server = no money. But there are a lot of dillholes out there that no matter how good a server you are, they are going to leave a crappy tip and be nasty to you. Just because you are "paid to take it."

yohaun12 3

it takes a complete idiot to be a thief. so wat does that make you if you decided to be a thief... and then failed epically??


its called pay the bill and dont ever go there again. ever heard of it ya ****** thief? shit i wish i had the money to actually go to an expensive restraunt.

bezach 0

don't worry your credit card will pay...also we took all the money off "thanks for the tip!"