By ashleyevans - 04/04/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, my friend and I went to a really expensive restaurant. We got really bad service, so halfway through the meal we decided to dine-and-dash. Turns out I left my purse in the restaurant. With my I.D. and everything inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 001
You deserved it 192 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tehrevenant 0

Why would you EVER think that was okay? "Oh, the service sucks, I'll just steal the food." YDI.

This_Guy 0

I hate people like you. You deserve everything thats going to happen to you.


cxal_fml 0

SpunkT, As a server in New York, I can tell from your posting that you know Jack squat about being a server in New York. The minimum wage you are posting about is not a server's minimum wage - if you knew half of what you just claimed to in your post, you would know that. Its a base wage, and your employer is required to raise that to the same state/federal minimum wage given to all non-tipped jobs, if your tips don't add up to that. If you knew even the most basic details of being a server, you would know that. Your post shows you know nothing of the sort Edit: look at the post you are replying to. The person said that waitressing was easier than fast food, and you started ranting that they didn't know what they were talking about because you never were treated better when working in fast food then when you were working in waitressing. Might want to learn how to read before you go on your next rant...but then if you could do that you wouldn't have just put up that whole big lie about how servers get paid in NY

I call BS, because I know people have awful morals, but no one is this fricken stupid. I just dont believe it.

cxal_fml 0

LaBella, They can't make you claim more, and they can't fire you if they don't - doesn' t mean they won't, but think of the settlement you'll get if they do. If they are telling you this verbally just get a tape recorder. Forget the laws regarding private recordings in your state. Because the evidence is all you need to get a nice comfortable settlement. They wouldn't that tape recording getting to the local press..and you'll have your college loans paid off just like that. So if your employer really is forcing to commit fraud that will land you in jail on the basis of one investigation fight back and you will win with such force you can own the restaurant - any chain will pay you off to keep you silent, and the smaller business will know they will be shut down completely if you go public with evidence

Krys10_fml 0

"Dine and dash"...seriously??? If you get bad service just leave a bad tip to punish the server. Or talk to the manager, and if you're still upset then talk to corporate. You realize people lose their jobs over people like you (and I'm not referring just to servers, a store gets enough people that run on their bills and then you start impacting management).

cxal_fml 0

123, if you were walking out because of bad service then why did you take a bite out of each part of the meal.....Sounds like you just wanted to be a dick

Okay, wow. To be perfectly clear on the money: Different states have different minimum wages. Almost every state has a DIFFERENT minimum wage for tipped workers. In Texas, servers get paid $2.13/hour, which is where I live and work. The tips that you report get added to the 2.13/hour, and if that doesn't make up enough for standard minimum wage, your employer has to make up for it. The taxes that we pay are based on our 'hourly wage' and our tips, so the taxes that are taken out are almost always as much as our paychecks would have otherwise been. I have never gotten a check that wasn't voided out.

Wait tables for one day and your mind will change about "bad service". I hope they call the cops for you trying to steal from them. Servers have to pay when you dine and dash. Think about that. Every time you go out to eat you should feel blessed that you are able to choose what you want eat and that you get to eat every day, not be annoyed at the "bad service" and think you deserve a free hand out for your suffering.

I'm not even going to begin on the dine and dash. No, where I'll lay in on you is being so, uh, "forgetful" that you left your ID behind. If you're going to steal, and you get away with it, fine, whatever, I'll just roll my eyes a little bit (unless you stole from me or mine, and I somehow figure it out, in which case...well...I suppose I would steal it back, at the least, maybe accidentally throw you out a window). But if you're going to steal and you get caught because you FORGOT YOUR PURSE... -shakes head in mortification- you're a black mark on the black marks of society. Seriously. I'm BEYOND mortified at you.

YDI. Seriously, if you have a real problem with service, ask to talk to a manager. If the restaurant is busy--be PATIENT.

lacotuitblue 0