By joking0303 - 16/07/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, my friend gave me a fortune cookie that said, "Don't be saddened by an upcoming event". Three hours later my girlfriend broke up with me because she said I was too superstitious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 136
You deserved it 6 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I agree with #1 and 2. That would be a really dumb reason to break up with someone. So, in other words, you had a different fault that ended the relationship.


What a bitch. That's the stupidest excuse to break up with someone I have ever heard. I feel so sorry for you!

Liam_Vile 5

"A man often meets his fate on the road he takes to avoid it"

semicomatose 0
sparxva 12

Not ironic; just very accurate. Not really a paradox either.

xkaitlinwhitex 0

lol the fortune cookies like "that's right, don't be saddened...we don't need her."

AKBO47 0