By joking0303 - 16/07/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, my friend gave me a fortune cookie that said, "Don't be saddened by an upcoming event". Three hours later my girlfriend broke up with me because she said I was too superstitious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 133
You deserved it 6 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I agree with #1 and 2. That would be a really dumb reason to break up with someone. So, in other words, you had a different fault that ended the relationship.


if you think that's bad, I once saw a episode of Rocko's Modern Life that talked about those cookies and Rocko got one that said something along the lines of: "you will have bad luck for all eternity"... then a week later I went to a resturant and I got that response from a cookie - I guess the people that write the notes also liked Rockos Modern Life... Lolz

Are fortune cookies normally your guiding light? I'd break up with you, too, if you believe the crap those things are filled with.

Like any other fortune cookie, it could be applicable to ANYONE.

self fulfilling prophecy. it's like you're saying to yourself that you'll fail and at the end you'll definately fail. YDI.

looloothing 9

your name wouldnt happen to be joking0303 because of 3oh!3 would it? considering your from colorado.

Nate_d099 0

Thats about the funnyest, most ironic things i've heard all day lmfao. But if its that obvious your superstitious, just dont talk about weird crap around ur chick

simply.. that's ****** up... sorry dude

halfglassfull 0

If that's really her excuse, it's one of the stupidest ones I've ever heard of to break up with someone.