By scratchy - 08/02/2011 21:39

Today, my "friend" put itching powder in my cast while I was sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 207
You deserved it 2 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only way to reclaim your honor is to kill them.

b_tch move, put some itching powder on his towel before he/she take a shower.


xGraycloud 4

at least you know she isn't really a friend, hence the quotations on friend.

maidenandwhat 0

rub some itchy powder on your friends toilet paper :)

lashay_17 0

While he is sleeping put itching powder n his pants and socks lol

I have the ultimate solution... Rub habanero peppers into said "friend's" clothing and such (wear gloves while doing so, these peppers are not to be taken lightly), then wait for the screaming to start. It makes Icy Hot look like water on the pain scale.

Because a cast doesn't itch enough to begin with? That was cruel. What a douche.

4ugu4 7

put itching powder in his bed, pillow, and all that.

casts itch enough by them selves  i had casts on both oh my arms tht sucked

OH MY GOSH I am so sorry. I have very sensitive skin, and when i had a broken arm the itching was so intense i had to get a new cast because as it turned out i was allergic to the fluffy stuff lining the inside of it. So i can imagine how horrible that was for you.

squirt_princess0_fml 4

I would cry if that happend to me...i hate when stuff itches :/